Results For: Breedenet+Cape+Duo+Day+3+-+Road+(45km)
66 item(s) of 66 on page:
Name:Race Time:Position:Gender:Gender Position:Start Group:Group Position:Age Group:Age Position:Avg. Speed:PhotoCertificate
Wakefield, John1:15:001/66M1/5514 1/1M 40-49 1/2036
Le Cok, Donovan1:15:001/66M1/5514 1/1M 30-39 1/736
Davids, AJ1:15:433/66M3/5542 1/2M U23 1/435.66
Esterhuyse, Charl-Pierre1:15:454/66M4/55101 1/1M Elite 1/835.64
Garrett, David1:15:505/66M5/5542 2/2M 40-49 2/2035.6
Van Onselen, Linus1:18:066/66M6/5511 1/2M 60-69 1/234.57
Botha, Phillip1:18:097/66M7/5511 2/2M U23 2/434.55
Burger, Douglas1:18:208/66M8/55103 1/1M 50-59 1/1434.47
Tompkins, Andrew1:18:289/66M9/5530 1/2M 30-39 2/734.41
Tompkins, Andrew1:18:289/66M9/55102 1/2M 30-39 2/734.41
Payne, Andrew Brian1:19:4511/66M11/5513 1/2M 40-49 3/2033.86
O`Connor, John1:19:4812/66M12/5513 2/2M 40-49 4/2033.83
Blake, Alex Flake1:19:5313/66M13/5518 1/2M 40-49 5/2033.8
Coker, Graham1:19:5714/66M14/5518 2/2M 40-49 6/2033.77
Prinsloo, G-man1:24:3615/66M15/5516 1/2M 40-49 7/2031.91
Louw, Joshua1:24:3616/66M16/5516 2/2M U23 3/431.91
Van Niekerk, Karin1:25:0217/66F1/1121 1/2F 40-49 1/331.75
Brenner, Deon1:25:0318/66M17/5521 2/2M 40-49 8/2031.75
Strydom, Marius1:25:4019/66M18/5523 1/1M 40-49 9/2031.52
Hugo, Pieter1:26:0020/66M19/5515 1/2M 40-49 10/2031.4
Smit, Hanno1:26:2621/66M20/5515 2/2M 40-49 11/2031.24
Green, Colin1:27:0022/66M21/5517 1/2M 50-59 2/1431.03
Jacoby, Kevin1:27:1523/66M22/5517 2/2M 40-49 12/2030.95
Dimond, Steven1:27:2524/66M23/5526 1/2M 40-49 13/2030.89
Williams, Michael1:27:2525/66M24/5526 2/2M 40-49 14/2030.89
Blaauw, Henning1:28:1126/66M25/5512 1/1M 50-59 3/1430.62
Thobegunya, Luyanda1:28:2027/66M26/5519 1/2M Elite 2/830.57
Mbombo, Baphelele1:28:2128/66M27/5519 2/2M U23 4/430.56
Lumsden, William1:28:3629/66M28/555 1/1M 50-59 4/1430.47
Ferreira, Louise1:29:0030/66F2/114 1/1F 50-59 1/130.34
Ferreira, Davidson1:30:3131/66M29/55108 1/1M 40-49 15/2029.83
Potton, Michael1:30:3532/66M30/55105 1/1M 30-39 4/729.81
Lindeque, Lawrence1:30:3833/66M31/55104 1/1M 40-49 16/2029.79
Arenson, Allister1:30:4834/66M32/5532 1/1M 40-49 17/2029.74
Peirone, Gavin1:32:1535/66M33/5543 1/2M 50-59 5/1429.27
De Jager, Pierre1:32:1636/66M34/5543 2/2M 50-59 6/1429.26
De Jager, Pierre1:32:1636/66M34/5543 2/2M 50-59 6/1429.26
Steyn, Jacques1:32:2638/66M36/5534 1/2M Elite 3/829.21
Van Rhyn, Rashid1:32:2639/66M37/5534 2/2M Elite 4/829.21
Diacon, Andreas1:33:0040/66M38/5524 1/1M 50-59 8/1429.03
Bell, Leon1:33:0040/66M38/5524 1/1M 50-59 8/1429.03
Luff, Phillip1:34:1542/66M40/55201 1/1M 30-39 5/728.65
Webb, Courteney1:34:3643/66F3/1122 1/2F U23 1/128.54
Oosthuizen, Lehane1:35:0044/66F4/1122 2/2F 30-39 1/528.42
Kruyswijk, Eduan1:37:2545/66M41/55412 1/1M Elite 5/827.72
De Wet, Neil1:38:3246/66M42/5531 1/2M Elite 6/827.4
Theron, Adriaan1:38:4147/66M43/5531 2/2M Elite 7/827.36
Van Der Merwe, Philip1:39:0048/66M44/55106 1/1M 50-59 10/1427.27
Mkwanazi, Jabula1:40:0549/66M45/5529 1/2M 30-39 6/726.98
Lenyora, Pono1:40:0750/66M46/5529 2/2M 30-39 7/726.97
Smith, Will1:40:5851/66M47/55112 1/1M Elite 8/826.74
Stefano, Stephen1:44:1352/66M48/55301 1/1M 50-59 11/1425.91
Cordner, Kevin1:45:2353/66M49/5527 1/2M 60-69 2/225.62
Haupt, Nicholas1:45:2454/66M50/5527 2/2M 40-49 18/2025.62
Rainier-Pope, Paul1:46:1455/66M51/5530 2/2M 50-59 12/1425.42
Rainier-Pope, Paul1:46:1455/66M51/55102 2/2M 50-59 12/1425.42
Steyn, Monre1:46:4657/66M53/5538 1/1M 40-49 19/2025.29
Moore, Vibeke1:50:2258/66F5/1137 1/2F 40-49 2/324.46
Jones, Tish1:50:2359/66F6/1137 2/2F 30-39 2/524.46
Kruger, Petra1:50:2560/66F7/1133 1/2F 40-49 3/324.45
Pienaar, Ninette1:50:2761/66F8/1133 2/2F 30-39 3/524.45
Brown, Steve1:52:3062/66M54/558 1/1M 50-59 14/1424
Cordier, Ilze1:55:5563/66F9/1139 1/1F Elite 1/123.29
Burmeister, Werner1:57:3464/66M55/55110 1/1M 40-49 20/2022.97
Roodt, Marlise2:13:1765/66F10/1140 1/2F 30-39 4/520.26
Coetzee, Anelda2:13:1866/66F11/1140 2/2F 30-39 5/520.26
66 item(s) of 66 on page: