Results For: Cound, John
30 item(s) of 30 on page:
Event Date:Event Name:Race Time:Position:Gender Position:Start Group:Group Position:Age Group:Age Position:Avg Speed:PhotoCertificate
17/11/2013Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)03:21:585540/207984807/15821PP 7/343M 55-59 264/102828.13Photo
19/10/2013Bestmed Jacaranda Satellite Classic 2013 (106km)03:16:37540/1102477/922EL 5/108M 50-59 73/14832.35
18/11/2012Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)06:20:5518506/1912114379/14772VC 105/105M 55-59 866/88614.92Photo
18/02/2012Optimum Berge en Dale Classic 2012 (Presented by ASG) (103km)03:04:19526/1373451/1083VC 47/57M 50-59 64/20433.53
20/11/2011Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (97.4km)03:13:003039/175362736/13471VE 74/81M 55-59 132/81830.28Photo
30/10/2011The Msunduzi Road Challenge (111km)04:08:1570/9750/68111KM 70/97M 55-59 12/1526.83
13/02/2011Dis-Chem Ride for Sight 2011 (116km)03:09:59633/2247VP 17/6936.63
15/11/2009Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:57:441609/164711453/12637VE 71/113M 50-54 98/119431.97
24/10/2009Telkom Satellite Cycle Classic (107km)03:00:18497/1706440/1364VC 54/85M 50-54 35/14735.61
13/09/2009Itec Connect Dome 2 Dome 2009 (91km)02:55:21743/2046683/1649VC 48/85M 50-59 68/25231.14
15/02/2009Dis-Chem Ride for Sight 2009 (116km)03:06:54604/2386542/1890VE 43/113M 50-54 42/25237.24
08/02/2009Emperors Palace Classic 2009 (99km)02:30:11315/1501262/1049VC 14/71M 50-54 10/13039.55
25/10/2008Telkom Satellite Cycle Classic (107km)03:09:10593/1523529/1216VC 48/83M 50-59 48/18533.94
28/09/2008BESTmed Campus2Campus SuperClassic (106km)03:09:37219/428200/360VC% 30/46M 50-54 17/3333.54
04/05/2008Tour Durban (103km)02:55:01290/1011268/821VC 25/103M 50-54 14/10435.31
18/11/2007Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:43:451078/168171015/13211VE 38/158M 50-54 45/113134.7
21/10/2007Pick 'n Pay Amashovashova National Classic (106km)03:02:07516/3370455/2584VE 37/181M 50-54 28/28934.92
16/09/2007Powerade Dome2Dome Cycling Spectacular (116km)03:37:00442/1320410/1130VM 23/50M 50-54 19/8932.07
10/08/2007Midlands Steel & Pipe Vets & Ladies Tour Stage 3 (96km)03:17:2123/3017/22VC 17/22M 50-54 12/1529.19
09/08/2007Midlands Steel & Pipe Vets & Ladies Tour Stage 2 (14km)00:25:3872/9569/87VC 10/22M 50-54 6/1532.77
09/08/2007Midlands Steel & Pipe Vets & Ladies Tour Stage 1 (60km)02:19:2689/9482/86VC 19/22M 50-54 13/1525.82
16/11/2003Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:36:44359/16319339/12676VB 70/168M 46-50 15/123636.25
02/11/2003Westcon Cycle Classic (105km)03:00:39199197VB 3134.87
01/11/2003Pick 'n Pay/OFM Classic Cycle Race (107km)02:55:13100/1755Vets 28/15336.64
26/10/2003Pick 'n Pay Amashovashova National Classic (105km)02:50:57208/4003VB 45/14136.85
17/11/2002Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:55:121590/157861552/12945D 137/28932.43
18/11/2001Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:47:19693/1161333.96
01/01/2001CANSA Lost City Cycle Challenge02:52:39677/3512677/3512
01/01/2001CANSA Lost City Cycle Challenge02:52:39677/3512678/3512
15/11/1998Slow-Mag 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)03:23:001575/6219O 27.99
30 item(s) of 30 on page: