Results For: Erasmus, Lourens
24 item(s) of 24 on page:
Event Date:Event Name:Race Time:Position:Gender Position:Start Group:Group Position:Age Group:Age Position:Avg Speed:PhotoCertificate
12/05/2018BSSS Winter Sportive Plot Opskop (72km)02:21:1073/10356/80VC 16/23M 50-59 13/2130.6
07/04/2018BSSS Autumn Spotive - 1st 500 2018 (92km)03:06:3496/11686/104VC 15/19M 50-59 16/2429.59
20/11/2011Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (97.4km)03:41:036478/175365591/13471BB 32/474M 40-44 1004/212826.44Photo
21/11/2010Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (97.4km)04:44:2911133/159449043/12382Y 195/283M 40-44 1494/192920.54Photo
19/11/2006Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)03:27:415105/183574550/14398F 295/346M 35-39 893/246827.36
29/01/2006Pick 'n Pay Hyper to Hyper (100km)02:39:431177/69171029/5272B 139/181M 35-39 213/95137.57
20/11/2005Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:55:012293/189602112/14757F 131/269M 35-39 399/244732.47
16/01/2005Pick 'n Pay Hyper to Hyper (100km)02:36:231360/64851184/4759VA 148/183M 35-39 213/79938.37
21/11/2004Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:56:341909/180511763/14160B 164/199M 35-39 335/232732.18
16/03/2003Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour (109km)03:06:531354/278391285/22039D 198/386M 31-35 216/338635
23/02/2003Liberty Ride for Sight (104km)02:53:173357136.01
19/01/2003Pick 'n Pay Hyper to Hyper (101km)02:22:5956113542.38
17/11/2002Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:40:35782/15786786/12945B 82/22735.38
03/11/2002Westcon Cycle Challenge (105km)03:16:44140/665A 27/6332.02
10/03/2002Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour (109km)03:13:521009/28051834/22084G 16/564M 31-35 149/342633.73
23/02/2002Liberty Ride For Sight (112km)03:05:20384/2417382/2038A 108/19536.26
20/01/2002Pick 'n Pay Hyper to Hyper (101km)02:38:59793/5649777/4490B 96/22038.12
18/11/2001Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:58:391381/1161331.81
28/10/2001Westcon Cycle Challenge03:35:38
01/01/2001Ride for Sight03:36:22620/1966
01/01/2001CANSA Lost City Cycle Challenge02:48:51536/3512536/3512
01/01/2001Sonskyn (98km)02:31:35215/667215/66738.79
19/11/2000Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)03:41:262469/1066125.66
01/01/2000CANSA Lost City Cycle Challenge03:32:471172/2664
24 item(s) of 24 on page: