Results For: Jacobs, Jp
100 item(s) of 100 on page:
Event Date:Event Name:Race Time:Position:Gender Position:Start Group:Group Position:Age Group:Age Position:Avg Speed:PhotoCertificate
02/10/2016Penny Pinchers GOK Cycle Tour 2016 (104km)02:45:003/1843/132VA 1/21M 30-39 2/3137.82
06/03/2016Cape Town Cycle Tour 2016 (109km)02:39:0448/2887846/22730$ 48/143M 30-34 10/197941.11PhotoC
21/02/20162016 Tour de PPA (110km)02:48:3020/91220/812A 20/73M 30-39 4/18439.17
14/02/20162016 Olympic Cycles Pres Les Foord Asset Journey 4 Sight n Service Cycle Tour (55km)01:26:343/5153/406A 3/26M 30-39 2/8938.12
07/02/20162016 Scenic South One funride (52km)01:26:452/1802/140A-B 2/17M 30-39 2/1635.97
06/02/201699er Cycle Tour 2016 (102km)02:34:523/22173/1898$ 3/134M 30-39 3/44939.52
24/01/2016Bouckaert-Soenen Road Race (126km)03:11:233/4943/457A 3/84M 30-39 1/12439.5
29/11/2015Stellenbosch Cycle Tour (101.6km)02:20:3861/432161/3537$ 61/144M 30-39 15/97143.35Photo
21/11/2015Coronation Double Century (198km)05:14:294/256273 Open 4/19337.78
14/11/2015Langebaan Country Estate Lagoon Cycle Challenge (80km)02:04:351/4421/363A 1/25M 30-34 1/4738.53
24/10/2015Chris Willemse Cycles Durbie Dash (90km)02:10:472/6952/598A 2/77M 30-39 1/15941.29
18/10/2015Tsogo Sun Amashova Durban Classic 2015 (106km)02:34:5349/417048/3370VA 7/47M 30-39 10/74241.06Photo
11/10/2015Outriders West Coast Express Funride (71km)01:44:4821/83621/747A 20/84M 30-39 5/22640.65
04/10/2015Penny Pinchers GOK Cycle Tour 2015 (104km)02:44:4617/17416/134LIC 17/158M 30-39 4/3637.87
08/03/2015Cape Town Cycle Tour (47km)01:09:04119/32127110/24688VA 1/56M 30-34 15/233040.83PhotoC
22/02/20152015 Tour de PPA (116km)02:52:103/10343/909A 3/60M 30-39 2/17540.43
15/02/20152015 Tour de Stellenbosch Funride (103km)02:48:5953/115051/1020A 4/68M 30-39 19/24636.57
25/01/20152015 Bouckaert-Soenen Road and MTB Cycle Race (126km)03:07:0328/71128/644Invite 28/74M 30-39 12/17540.42
18/01/20152015 Olympic Cycles/Presles/Foord Asset Journey 4 Sight and Service (58km)01:30:171/8431/673A-B 1/69M 30-39 1/16238.55
30/11/2014Stellenbosch Cycle Tour (95km)02:16:2226/542526/4429$ 26/134M 30-34 2/55241.8
22/11/2014Coronation Double Century (198km)05:24:327/1268 Open 1/136.61
25/10/2014Chris Willemse Cycles Durbie Dash (90km)02:19:412/6892/592A-B 2/70M 30-39 1/15138.66
19/10/2014PPA One Tonner (163km)04:19:2828/130028/1145A-B 28/126M 30-39 9/32037.69
12/10/2014Tsogo Sun Amashova Durban Classic 2014 (106km)02:44:0786/442285/3533VA 4/51M 30-39 5/82238.75Photo
05/10/2014Penny Pinchers GOK Cycle Tour 2014 (104km)02:46:184/1764/144VA 1/10M 30-39 1/2737.52
07/09/2014Afrimat Tour de Worcester (94km)02:19:364/3044/272A-B 4/34M 30-39 3/9140.4
09/03/2014Cape Argus Pick n Pay Momentum Cycle Tour (109km)02:50:51117/31225117/24541VA 4/84M 30-34 14/251138.28PhotoC
16/02/2014Medallion Tour de Stellenbosch League & Funride (108km)02:58:0450/113850/1033CAT2 15/45M 30-39 22/25636.39
02/02/2014GP Koning Waterproofing & Roofing Roller Coaster League & Funride (85km)02:11:2154/105454/932CAT2 1/50M 30-39 13/19738.83
26/01/2014Bouckaert Soenen League, Funride and MTB (126km)03:12:018/5778/539CAT2 3/55M 30-39 3/15539.37
19/01/2014Tour de PPA (110km)02:55:5958/75558/702CAT2 6/45M 30-39 18/19537.5
01/12/2013Die Burger PPA Cycle Tour (97km)02:29:4831/474131/3863$ 31/132M 30-34 7/51238.85Photo
23/11/2013Coronation Double Century (200km)05:37:285/222245 Open 5/32635.56
10/11/2013Engen Cycle Challenge 2013 Paarl (111km)02:59:1274/62269/540VA 2/26M 30-39 9/18137.17
03/11/2013Mangaung OFM Classic 2013 (106km)02:34:4355/151353/1125VA 5/37M 30-39 8/24141.11
20/10/2013PPA One Tonner (163km)04:35:1714/111614/969A-D 14/152M 30-39 6/29435.53
08/09/2013Orbit Tour de Worcester (94km)02:14:4512/31312/282A-B 12/53M 30-39 5/8641.86
10/03/2013Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (109km)02:42:1154/3166654/24685$ 54/141M 30-34 8/252440.32PhotoC
17/02/2013Medallion Tour de Stellenbosch (97km)02:27:1991/176091/1505SV 4/52M 30-39 27/32539.51
10/02/2013Lady Loch Circuit Race (71km)01:43:1454/11654/111SV 5/32M 30-39 13/3241.27
03/02/2013Tour de PPA (106km)03:00:4515/70715/645SV 1/43M 30-39 5/19535.19
27/01/2013Bouckaert-Soenen League, Funride and MTB (126km)03:19:1837/57137/516SV 27/55M 30-39 19/15737.93
19/01/2013Voor-Paardeberg Circuit Race (105km)02:47:2152/12752/122SV 2/31M 30-34 9/1637.65
02/12/2012Die Burger Cycle Tour (92km)02:10:5223/474623/3894$ 23/141M 30-34 7/51142.18Photo
24/11/2012Coronation Double Century (200km)05:55:0710/216248 Open 10/161933.79Photo
11/11/2012Engen Dynamic Cycle Challenge 2012 (Durban) (100km)02:31:2939/4427/309VA 5/54M 30-39 5/8839.61
04/11/2012MTN OFM Classic (107km)02:34:0962/195561/1398VA 1/63M 30-39 4/33141.65Photo
28/10/2012Atlantis Circuit Race00:00:00115/129SV 15/35
27/10/2012Durbanville High School (94.3km)02:19:0780/69380/632SV 29/48M 30-39 31/18640.67
21/10/2012Tiletoria West Coast Express (85km)02:09:5460/87960/811SV 13/50M 30-39 17/24039.26
20/10/2012Red Hill Climb (4.7km)00:09:409/1509/143SV 2/46M 30-34 3/2229.17
14/10/2012PPA One Tonner (156km)04:00:053/7533/666A-B 3/64M 30-39 2/19538.99
07/10/2012Engen Dynamic Cycle Challenge 2012 (Wellington) (95km)02:33:09101/629101/580VA 7/44M 30-39 18/18937.22
30/09/2012PPA Lady Loch league event (56.8km)01:23:4861/10161/101SV 14/50M 30-34 13/2540.67
15/09/2012WPCA Voor Paadeberg Circuit Race (105km)02:47:1556/12856/126SV 9/54M 30-34 7/2137.67
11/03/2012Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (110km)02:39:3267/2984167/23448VA 11/61M 30-34 11/230241.37PhotoC
26/02/2012Bay City Cycle Tour League and Funride (84km)02:16:0466/142765/1232SV 3/66M 30-34 8/11837.04
25/02/2012Wellington Lions League Cycle ride (94km)02:19:5458/59558/532SV 10/57M 30-34 8/6640.31
19/02/2012Medallion Tour de Stellenbosch League and Funride (97km)02:22:3342/130042/1137SV 3/66M 30-34 8/10140.83
11/02/2012Reeds Chevrolet Ninety Niner Cycle Race (123km)03:03:299/10829/966$ 9/105M 30-34 2/11540.22
05/02/2012The GP Koning Waterproofing and Roofing Roller Coaster (88km)02:24:1031/108731/960SV 4/663136.62
29/01/2012Bouckaert-Soenen League, Funride and MTB (126km)03:12:2466/54966/507SV 11/71M 30-34 13/6039.29
22/01/2012Cycle Lab Cape Cobra Challenge (85km)02:24:3256/110355/968SV 2/745635.29
15/01/2012Tour de PPA (105km)02:38:4946/72946/666SV 4/70M 30-34 7/8039.67
08/01/2012Olympic Cycles/Pres Les/Foord Asset "Journey for Sight (75km)01:55:081/7041/628A 1/38139.09
26/11/2011Coronation Double Century (202km)05:41:434/218124 Open 4/34635.47
20/11/2011Tiletoria West Coast Express League and Funride (85km)01:59:338/5548/505$ 8/59M Elite 3/6242.66
06/11/2011Klein Joostenberg Funride (98km)02:33:1620/30419/272A-C 1/19M Elite 5/3638.36
29/10/2011Durbanville High School (94.3km)02:14:5216/48316/434EL 16/481641.95
23/10/2011PPA Circuit Race (105km)02:43:5921/12221/117EL 21/51Elite 6/1538.42
16/10/2011PPA One Tonner (153km)04:10:106/8426/727C-D 1/41M 30-39 1/22036.7
09/10/2011Engen Dynamic Cycle Challenge (Cape Town) (97km)02:18:1027/44427/405$ 27/57M 30-39 7/15142.12
18/09/2011PPA PCS Circuit Race (57km)01:22:2459/10558/104EL 31/57Elite 7/1541.5
17/09/2011Aca Joe Pro Classic Series Hill Climb (2.2km)00:04:4547/23247/218EL 16/64Elite 4/2027.79
11/09/2011Orbit Tour de Worcester (98km)02:21:5316/39016/371EL 16/79M Elite 7/8641.44
27/02/2011Bay City Cycle Tour (84km)02:24:3530/115230/1032EL 30/83M Elite 11/7134.86
20/02/2011Medallion Tour de Stellenbosch (97km)02:23:0011/101511/915EL 11/67M 30-34 4/9140.7
13/02/2011Three Passes Cycle Tour (77km)01:59:294/6564/548A-D 4/39M Elite 2/6038.67
06/02/2011The GP Koning Waterproofing and Roofing Roller Coaster (88km)02:27:524/8514/745A-C 4/41M Elite 3/7535.71
30/01/2011Bouckaert Soenen League, Funride & MTB (126km)03:01:1933/51033/479EL 33/71M Elite 9/4341.7
23/01/2011Boland Drukpers Funride (100km)02:39:3025/60725/572EL 25/80M Elite 9/5237.62
16/01/2011Toyota Cycle Lab Cape Cobra Challenge (85km)02:15:457/10077/759EL 7/75M Elite 4/6337.57
09/01/2011Olympic Cycles / Pres Les Journey 4 Sight ‘n Service (75km)01:53:2820/67420/591A 20/35M Elite 11/7039.66
27/11/2010Coronation Double Century presented by Fundamental (202km)06:00:5898/216795/1852225 8/12M Elite 25/20433.58
07/11/2010Klein Joostenberg Funride (88km)02:01:315/7235/652EL 5/65M Elite 1/5943.45
30/10/2010Durbell Pharmacies Durbanville High Funride (94km)02:17:378/6728/605EL 8/67M Elite 2/5940.98
24/10/2010Tiletoria West Coast Express League and Funride (85km)01:56:3810/84410/762EL 10/73M Elite 3/6843.73
12/09/2010Orbit Tour de Worcester (98km)02:31:1335/48735/458EL 35/77M Elite 10/4938.88
10/04/2010Malmesbury Rotary's Riebeeck West funride & MTB (98km)02:23:338/2378/222A-C 8/24M Elite 3/3740.96
14/03/2010Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (110km)03:03:54199/28035191/22143A 35/159M Elite 64/227135.89PhotoC
28/02/2010Bay City Cycle Tour League and Funride (84km)02:20:0411/104411/900EL 11/68M Elite 7/12235.98
27/02/2010Wilde Cycle Day (94km)02:20:115/6665/576EL 5/71M Elite 1/5140.23
21/02/2010Bouckaert Soenen League and Funride (126km)03:04:2011/44611/415EL 11/71M Elite 5/4141.01
14/02/2010Three Passes Cycle Tour (77km)01:58:264/6064/503A 4/24M Elite 2/6439.01
07/02/2010Medallion Tour de Stellenbosch (106km)02:38:5312/97812/886EL 12/82M Elite 3/8040.03
31/01/2010The GP Koning Waterproofing and Roofing Roller Coaster (88km)02:18:204/10364/925EL 4/83M Elite 1/8338.17
24/01/2010Simonsvlei Funride (118km)02:51:5235/77135/703EL 35/92M Elite 11/6741.19
17/01/2010Toyota Cycle Lab Cape Cobra Challenge (85km)02:30:4246/82646/740EL 38/85M Elite 13/6633.84
12/12/2009Lagoon Cycle Challenge (80km)02:12:582/3222/273A-D 2/33M Elite 1/4136.1
29/11/2009Die Burger Fietstoer (97km)02:24:0417/336317/2720$ 17/73M Elite 6/28840.4
100 item(s) of 100 on page: