Results For: Rossouw, Daniel Leonardus
42 item(s) of 42 on page:
Event Date:Event Name:Race Time:Position:Gender Position:Start Group:Group Position:Age Group:Age Position:Avg Speed:PhotoCertificate
13/03/20222022 Cape Town Cycle Tour (109km)06:09:4914746/1575911906/125827A 311/357M U23 316/33017.68PhotoC
10/10/20212021 Cape Town Cycle Tour (109km)05:54:5310708/118518741/95447E 88/108M U23 278/29918.43PhotoC
08/03/20202020 Cape Town Cycle Tour (109km)05:15:3917306/2266414432/182724K 304/429M U23 413/53620.72PhotoC
10/03/20192019 Cape Town Cycle Tour (109km)04:54:0812170/2314310515/187223J 226/463M U23 313/52922.23C
11/03/20182018 Cape Town Cycle Tour (109km)04:19:2011833/2639210213/208194J 86/436M U19 167/37325.22C
06/03/2016Cape Town Cycle Tour 2016 (109km)04:17:1613036/2887811264/227305E 111/562M U17 99/24525.42PhotoC
31/01/2016Chapmans Peak Hill Climb (4km)00:14:14228/289208/255HC 228/289M U16 3/316.86
08/03/2015Cape Town Cycle Tour (47km)01:45:2911749/3212710140/246882H 71/161M U17 123/34626.73PhotoC
22/02/20152015 Tour de PPA (116km)05:01:46937/1034842/909Q 35/44M U16 7/823.06
07/02/201599er Cycle Tour 2015 (64km)02:36:20259/1065209/670CS 29/72M U16 7/2724.56
25/01/20152015 Bouckaert-Soenen Road and MTB Cycle Race (78km)02:54:00275/583226/415Q-R 36/69M U16 4/926.9
18/01/20152015 Olympic Cycles/Presles/Foord Asset Journey 4 Sight and Service (58km)02:35:54567/843494/673TEMPL1 17/43M U16 15/2122.32
09/03/2014Cape Argus Pick n Pay Momentum Cycle Tour (109km)04:26:3713113/3122511437/24541RR 91/696M U15 19/11124.53PhotoC
23/02/2014Bay City Cycle Tour (84km)03:48:07884/1177793/986TEMPL3 31/51M U14 8/1022.09
08/02/201499er Cycle Tour 2014 (99km)04:32:081847/22481591/1855X 116/158M U16 10/2021.83
19/01/2014Tour de PPA (72km)02:58:05351/684273/467S-T 38/87M U14 8/1324.26
12/01/2014Olympic Cycles/Pres Les/ Foord Asset Journey 4 Sight n Service Cycle Tour (70km)03:18:47642/731568/626T-V 33/49M U14 5/521.13
01/12/2013Die Burger PPA Cycle Tour (44km)01:58:36273/952195/566AS 104/178M U14 11/2922.26Photo
10/03/2013Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (109km)05:14:4122760/3166618696/24685PA 199/486M U14 59/11120.78PhotoC
24/02/2013Scenic South Funride (50km)02:22:19503/717422/549V 16/33M U14 7/921.08
17/02/2013Medallion Tour de Stellenbosch (67km)03:06:17381/680287/459U-Z 199/336M U14 3/421.58
09/02/201399er Cycle Tour (64km)03:05:11482/1025355/647ES 33/60M U16 20/2820.74
03/02/2013Tour de PPA (68km)03:39:25426/562320/396Y 28/44M U14 10/1318.59
27/01/2013Bouckaert-Soenen League, Funride and MTB (72km)03:28:39524/646409/478U-V 42/55M U14 3/320.7
06/01/2013Journey 4 Sight n Service (50km)02:15:19502/655436/539V-W 17/57M U14 7/1222.17
02/12/2012Die Burger Cycle Tour (44km)02:14:38592/1041407/648BS 127/246M U12 11/1619.61Photo
11/03/2012Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (110km)05:53:1124713/29841561/759PB 305/495Male Tdm 184/19718.69PhotoC
19/02/2012Medallion Tour de Stellenbosch League and Funride (67km)03:33:38437/515325/368T-V 67/75M U12 1/118.82
11/02/2012Reeds Chevrolet Ninety Niner Cycle Race (50km)02:46:38515/6314/8FS 37/48Male Tdm 1/118
05/02/2012The GP Koning Waterproofing and Roofing Roller Coaster (58km)03:37:07269/286206/217S-W 50/6026916.03
29/01/2012Bouckaert-Soenen League, Funride and MTB (45km)01:43:0498/15067/91U-X 16/38M U12 3/526.2
22/01/2012Cycle Lab Cape Cobra Challenge (30km)02:02:32228/283167/196P-U 43/5322814.69
15/01/2012Tour de PPA (50km)02:32:11282/381208/245TEMPS1 23/32M U12 2/319.71
04/12/2011Die Burger Cycle Tour (44km)02:26:34753/105312/18CM 146/218Male Tdm 1/118.01
05/03/2011Cape Argus Pick n Pay MTB Saturday (13km)00:50:4977/56357/366DA 20/150M U12 9/5015.35
31/07/2010Die Burger Mountain Bike Challenge (15km)00:48:1534/12524/71DA 18/75M U10 2/1018.65
06/03/2010Cape Argus Pick n Pay Mountain Bike Saturday (13km)00:53:1534/51629/343DA 23/179SB 9/12614.65
03/10/2009Lourensford MTB Classic (15km)01:01:2287/32163/193CA 40/134M Sprog 13/4614.67
04/07/2009Pick n Pay/Weekend Argus/Rotary Knysna MTB Challenge (15km)01:08:51194/587144/339E 194/587M U12 27/7513.07
01/03/2009Cape Argus Pick n Pay Mountain Bike Challenge (13km)01:06:10101/59266/302DA 50/259SB 20/13611.79
02/03/2008Cape Argus Pick n Pay Mountain Bike Challenge (13km)01:21:55235/359137/201DB 137/234SB 45/739.52
04/03/2007Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay MTB Challenge (13km)01:43:38319/339185/192 319/339FM 111/1147.53
42 item(s) of 42 on page: