Results For: Schumann, Erwin
31 item(s) of 31 on page:
Event Date:Event Name:Race Time:Position:Gender Position:Start Group:Group Position:Age Group:Age Position:Avg Speed:PhotoCertificate
31/03/20182018 Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon (56km)05:05:181400/91811229/6587All 1400/9181M 60-69 9/26311.01
15/04/20172017 Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon (56km)05:32:122520/92222082/6564All 2520/9222M 50-59 236/117910.11
23/04/2016Langebaan Country Estate Weskus Marathon (42.2km)03:39:50123/928113/661A 123/928M 50-59 12/12911.52Photo
26/03/2016Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon (56km)05:11:201529/89231363/6469All 1529/8920M 50-59 124/112710.79
04/04/2015Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon (56km)06:09:224837/87363773/6316All 4837/8720M 50-59 553/11069.1
19/04/2014Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon (56km)05:58:204169/84563316/6125All 4169/8456M 50-59 488/10899.38
15/03/2014Langebaan Country Estate Weskus Marathon (42.2km)03:55:28228/928201/661F 228/928M 50-59 29/14110.75
13/10/2013OUTsurance 94.5Kfm Gun Run (21.1km)01:58:112006/53481516/309121km 1974/5278M 50-59 113/36010.71
11/03/2012Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (110km)05:14:4120237/2984116745/23448MM 254/488M 55-59 1426/202920.97PhotoC
05/02/2012The GP Koning Waterproofing and Roofing Roller Coaster (88km)03:57:50972/1087868/960X-Z 22/4697222.2
04/02/2012Franschhoek Lions/ Porcupine Ridge MTB Challenge (49.7km)03:26:50157/243141/215MH-MI 13/26M 50-59 19/2914.42
08/01/2012Olympic Cycles/Pres Les/Foord Asset "Journey for Sight (75km)03:05:19538/704500/628O 29/4753824.28
02/04/2011Wacky Wheels (100km)Participated
13/03/2011Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (110km)04:39:5216440/2870213982/22557QQ 250/564M 50-54 1733/273223.58PhotoC
13/02/2011Three Passes Cycle Tour (77km)03:01:11402/656373/548R 8/44M 50-59 66/10825.5
06/02/2011The GP Koning Waterproofing and Roofing Roller Coaster (58km)02:40:0498/28490/213A-S 60/101M 50-59 10/3521.74
05/02/2011Franschhoek Lions / Porcupine MTB Challenge (46.8km)03:31:13145/209134/191R-Z 24/50M 50-59 14/2613.29
16/01/2011Toyota Cycle Lab Cape Cobra Challenge (85km)04:05:02792/1007720/759R-S 26/37M 50-54 69/7220.81
09/01/2011Olympic Cycles / Pres Les Journey 4 Sight ‘n Service (75km)03:00:00509/674475/591R 19/39M 50-59 78/10425
11/12/2010Langebaan Lagoon Cycle Challenge (80km)03:47:56171/209154/183R-S 24/38M 50-59 22/3021.06
07/08/2010Swellendam Canola MTB (55km)03:55:4642/4741/46I-Z 10/12M 50-59 7/814
24/07/2010Marc’s Simonsberg Paarl Rotary MTB Challenge (30km)02:23:5925/8921/68R-Z1 11/47M 50-59 6/1812.5
14/03/2010Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (110km)05:03:5015653/2803513383/22143QQ 146/456M 50-54 1673/268921.72PhotoC
28/02/2010Bay City Cycle Tour League and Funride (84km)04:09:47898/1044803/900S 14/31M 50-59 134/15820.18
14/02/2010Three Passes Cycle Tour (77km)03:16:55479/606426/503R-S 15/32M 50-59 74/9623.46
31/01/2010The GP Koning Waterproofing and Roofing Roller Coaster (58km)02:35:5883/30572/220S 4/24M 50-54 6/2622.31
01/08/2009Die Burger Bergfietsuitdaging (voorheen Stellenbosch Bergfietsuitdaging) (30km)01:40:13253/812221/605CA 97/147OM 211/58017.96
25/07/2009Paarl Rotary Club MTB (30km)02:49:3473/9662/76R-Z1 43/55M 50-59 10/1410.62
08/03/2009Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (110km)05:34:2316003/2554713770/20650OC 76/383M 50-54 1667/243319.74C
01/03/2009Cape Argus Pick n Pay Mountain Bike Challenge (26km)01:49:5792/98980/717CA 47/173OM 72/66214.19
14/02/2009Construction du Cap Ninety Niner (77km)03:26:05598/1204474/819MH 35/187M 50-54 53/9722.42
31 item(s) of 31 on page: