Results For: Beukes, Denver
100 item(s) of 100 on page:
Event Date:Event Name:Race Time:Position:Gender Position:Start Group:Group Position:Age Group:Age Position:Avg Speed:PhotoCertificate
08/03/20202020 Cape Town Cycle Tour (109km)04:01:008682/22663221/5802H 429/556Male Tdm 76/17327.14PhotoC
11/03/20182018 Cape Town Cycle Tour (109km)04:25:2312725/26392343/7712E 442/463Male Tdm 99/17824.64C
19/11/20172017 Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge (95km)04:58:1914267/19991294/747T 229/288Male Tdm 70/9619.11PhotoC
14/10/20172017 BestMed Satellite Road Championship (84km)03:01:0490/62578/416AM 67/188M 50-59 19/10327.84
20/11/2016Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge (95km)04:32:0413063/2034910723/15860HH 50/278M 50-54 1208/165520.95PhotoC
06/11/2016Carnival City Macsteel National Classic 2016 (103km)03:14:52421/1743333/1350EL 23/114M 50-59 66/27731.71
22/10/20162016 Bestmed Satellite Classic (106km)03:27:23840/1376742/1168DL 56/145M 50-59 138/25730.67
06/03/2016Cape Town Cycle Tour 2016 (109km)03:36:155461/288784948/227302B 376/495M 50-54 670/309830.24PhotoC
14/02/2016Dis-Chem Ride for Sight Super Classic 2016 (62km)02:03:10154/136513/50TS 16/37Male Tdm 5/1130.2
15/11/2015Momentum 947 Cycle Challenge (95km)03:17:503517/215353114/16554F 216/562M 50-54 340/166328.81Photo
08/03/2015Cape Town Cycle Tour (47km)01:41:219763/321278540/246882D 404/422M 50-54 1121/321827.82PhotoC
31/01/2015Action Ford Berge en Dale Classic 2015 (102km)03:28:10846/1861743/1498DL 98/147M 50-59 171/36029.4
16/11/2014Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (95km)02:59:081842/217221684/16379D 276/513M 50-54 132/163631.82Photo
18/10/2014Bestmed Jacaranda Satellite Classic 2014 (106km)03:46:51951/1191830/1017CL 143/146M 50-59 155/20028.04
21/09/2014Rand Water Race for Victory (110km)03:07:01278/1082246/855BL 28/130M 50-59 30/16635.29
07/09/2014D2D Cycling Race 2014 (102km)03:14:49365/1157337/979BL 67/118M 50-59 29/14431.41
16/08/2014Powerade Lost City Cycle Classic 2014 - Presented by Bestmed (115km)03:14:31211/826182/671A 62/102M 50-59 21/11435.47
13/04/2014Emperors Palace Classic Road 2014 (102km)02:46:10507/1964466/1582CL 33/138M 50-59 66/31236.83
06/04/2014Wilro Lions Cycle Challenge 2014 (114km)03:30:06267/545236/451BL 28/58M 50-59 42/9332.56
09/03/2014Cape Argus Pick n Pay Momentum Cycle Tour (109km)03:19:431968/312251823/24541E 157/208M 50-54 148/302832.75PhotoC
16/02/2014Dis-Chem Ride for Sight Super Classic 2014 (116km)03:07:58558/2763525/2224AL 95/126M 50-59 70/48437.03
08/02/2014Action Ford Berge en Dale Classic 2014 (102km)03:06:29254/1452229/1167BL 52/152M 50-59 23/24132.82
26/01/2014The Value Logistics Fast One 2014 (96km)02:38:07339/1696318/1347BL 50/175M 50-59 39/28436.43
17/11/2013Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:45:541361/207981237/15821B 114/187M 50-54 90/148234.25Photo
10/11/2013Momentum 94.7 Mountain Bike (15km)01:06:0320/46714/265C1 15/153M 50-59 2/1513.63Photo
19/10/2013Bestmed Jacaranda Satellite Classic 2013 (80km)02:35:24133/1064119/745AM 94/163M 50-59 19/16230.89
01/09/2013D2D Cycling Race 2013 (93km)02:56:52278/1132249/906AL 64/88M 50-59 26/13031.55
17/08/2013Powerade Lost City Cycle Classic 2013 (115km)02:53:54136/775123/628AL 29/89M 50-59 1/11939.68
20/07/20132013 Bestmed Jock Cycle Classique, presented by ASG Overall Results (151km)04:55:38113/5717/11AL 14/74Male Tdm 7/930.65
20/07/20132013 Bestmed Jock Cycle Classique, presented by ASG Stage 3 (63km)01:53:3297/6713/23AL 13/77Male Tdm 3/533.29
20/07/20132013 Bestmed Jock Cycle Classique, presented by ASG Stage 2 (45km)01:38:46141/6515/19AL 22/80Male Tdm 5/727.34
20/07/20132013 Bestmed Jock Cycle Classique, presented by ASG Stage 1 (43km)01:23:19164/6345/23AL 29/83Male Tdm 5/730.97
21/04/2013Wilro Lions Cycle Challenge 2013 (114km)03:09:51150/474136/398BL 10/48M 50-59 16/7536.03
14/04/2013Emperors Palace Classic Road 2013 (102km)02:45:36525/1776459/1428AL 93/114M 50-59 55/26136.96
10/03/2013Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (109km)03:13:291678/316661559/24685C 249/389M 50-54 121/298433.8PhotoC
17/02/2013Dis-Chem Ride for Sight Super Classic 2013 (116km)03:04:31349/2604329/2073AL 71/141M 50-59 34/45837.72
09/02/2013Optimum Berge en Dale Classic 2013 (102km)03:03:49475/1713422/1371AL 112/131M 50-59 55/26133.29
03/02/2013Edenvale Classic Road Race 2013 (107km)02:57:30161/685150/557AL 39/107M 50-59 21/11636.17
18/11/2012Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:46:27967/19121902/14772B 94/187M 45-49 94/176034.14Photo
20/10/2012Bestmed Jacaranda Satellite Classic 2012 (94km)02:46:0965/130852/938AM 40/154M 40-49 14/29833.95Photo
14/10/2012Amashova Durban Classic 2012 (106km)02:52:30361/4291340/3381A 72/171M 40-49 101/103336.87Photo
23/09/2012Bestmed Campus 2 Campus Super Classic (95km)02:44:56141/29488/182AL 10/3734.56
16/09/2012Rand Water Race for Victory (110km)03:17:49186/967154/752BL 18/83M 40-49 50/25633.36
02/09/2012D2D Cycling Race 2012 (93km)03:03:30499/1370433/1097BL 69/106M 40-49 144/34130.41Photo
15/04/2012Wilro Lions Cycle Challenge (114km)03:09:55211/610190/520BL 7/79M 40-49 49/15136.02
11/03/2012Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (110km)03:22:362597/298412380/23448D 294/411M 45-49 315/327332.58PhotoC
18/02/2012Optimum Berge en Dale Classic 2012 (Presented by ASG) (103km)03:03:34511/1373436/1083CL 30/160M 40-49 143/37933.67
05/02/2012Emperors Palace Classic 2012 (Presented by ASG) (103km)02:43:22427/2201396/1754AL 84/155M 45-49 56/26337.83
20/11/2011Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (97.4km)02:58:001602/175361471/13471B 147/189M 45-49 172/163632.83Photo
22/10/2011BESTmed Jacaranda Satellite Classic 2011 (Presented by ASG) (97km)02:40:4344/120839/867AM 40/184M 40-49 11/24636.21
09/10/2011BESTmed Campus to Campus Super Classic 2011 (106km)02:53:56164/349142/272AL 25/95M 40-49 47/8636.57
25/09/2011Rand Water Race for Victory (101km)03:19:53322/811EL 8/14630.32
04/09/2011D2D Cycling Race 2011 (93km)02:48:25413/1525378/1239AL 73/101M 40-49 97/37033.13Photo
13/08/2011Randfontein EPR Cycle Challenge 2011 (120km)03:42:52155/228126/180AL 43/102M 40-49 38/4932.31
13/03/2011Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (110km)03:12:172271/287022111/22557A 230/261M 45-49 254/307034.32PhotoC
13/02/2011Dis-Chem Ride for Sight 2011 (116km)02:58:01362/2247302/1716AL 79/116M 40-49 93/54439.1
06/02/2011Emperors Palace Classic 2011 (103km)02:47:45446/1591375/1170% 69/84M 45-49 51/16636.84
30/01/2011The 2011 Fast One (106km)02:51:01464/3162409/2455A 84/134M 40-49 116/75737.19
21/11/2010Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (97.4km)02:58:191500/159441361/12382VD 81/100M 45-49 153/157332.77Photo
23/10/2010Jacaranda Satellite Classic 2010 (Cycle for CANSA) (94km)02:49:4549/128245/952AS 44/185M 40-49 11/29833.23
05/09/2010Dome2Dome Cycling Spectacular 2010 (90km)02:54:19671/1959602/1606VB 80/90M 45-49 74/19330.98
21/08/2010Powerade Lost City Cycle Classic 2010 (103km)02:42:21303/1167285/909VB 57/67M 45-49 38/12738.07
22/05/2010Century Bela Bela Challenge 2010 (95km)02:17:25145/876128/668VB 38/72M 40-49 42/19941.48
14/03/2010Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (110km)03:25:531333/280351240/22143D 121/357M 45-49 154/305832.06PhotoC
21/02/2010Dischem Ride for Sight (116km)03:07:46553/2465510/1994VD 39/50M 45-49 72/28037.07
07/02/2010Emperors Palace Classic 2010 (105km)02:40:06337/1674315/1295VB 76/101M 40-49 97/40039.35
15/11/2009Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:52:481288/164711172/12637VD 81/100M 45-49 126/157432.88
14/11/2009Momentum 94.7 Mountain Bike Challenge (50km)02:28:30102/122897/1119A1 83/26320.2
22/08/2009Powerade Lost City Cycle Classic 2009 (103km)02:45:57421/1273380/1007VB 81/92M 45-49 48/14037.24
23/05/2009Century 21 Bela Bela Classic 2009 (95km)02:17:46199/913196/748AL 28/79M 40-49 37/22841.37
08/03/2009Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (110km)03:37:482015/255471889/20650C 224/310M 45-49 233/291030.3C
15/02/2009Dis-Chem Ride for Sight 2009 (116km)03:11:49756/2386681/1890AL 95/110M 45-49 98/28836.28
25/01/20092009 Pick n Pay The Star Fast One (103km)02:30:59513/5520454/4324VD 41/100M 45-49 53/58440.93
22/11/2008Coronation Double Century (205km)07:29:17647/1907574/1648144 2/9M 40-44 104/30227.38
16/11/2008Pick n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:37:411479/170101361/13187B 74/111M 40-44 220/196436.03
23/08/2008Powerade CANSA Lost City Classic (103km)02:51:12652/1447520/1093VB 64/85M 40-44 81/17536.1
19/07/2008Medihelp Jock Cycle Classique 2008 (150km)06:32:59221/255207/235AL 78/89M 40-44 29/3322.9
09/03/2008Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour (109km)03:06:242598/283082410/22101C 308/384M 45-49 316/316035.09
17/02/2008Dischem Ride for Sight (116km)03:05:08446/2888412/2311BL 37/136M 40-44 73/37337.59
09/02/2008Construction du Cap Ninety Niner (121km)03:54:51505/1260459/1097F 46/58M 40-44 72/19230.91
27/01/2008Pick n Pay The Star Fast One (103km)02:34:59695/4873635/3785B 61/114M 40-44 121/59139.88
18/11/2007Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:46:271258/168171180/13211D 86/237M 40-44 181/190234.14
04/11/2007Pick 'n Pay OFM Classic (110km)03:07:54297/1888258/1391AL 47/111M 40-44 41/18635.13
21/07/2007ITEC Jock Cycle Classique (150km)05:51:18170/321144/276BL 16/94M 40-44 20/4525.62
11/03/2007Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour (109km)03:02:381683/2837195/22044F 84/481M 40-44 9/343835.81
18/02/2007Liberty Life Ride for Sight (116km)03:03:39525/3116489/2506BL 56/130M 40-44 86/42337.9
04/02/2007Herald VW Cycle Tour (105km)03:05:36270/1237244/1022AL 45/118M 40-44 46/19833.94
19/11/2006Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)03:05:302317/183572108/14398B 106/131M 40-44 335/208630.63
02/07/2006Pick 'n Pay Weekend Argus Rotary Knysna CycleTour (100km)03:20:48376/1356353/1135AA 113/419M 40-44 59/21029.88
12/03/2006Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour (108km)03:32:095413/275734965/21666D 372/406M 40-44 866/340030.54
19/02/2006Liberty Life Ride for Sight (118km)03:13:13721/3760668/3046CL 58/190M 40-44 108/49236.64
29/01/2006Pick 'n Pay Hyper to Hyper (100km)02:36:00915/6917801/5272B 97/181M 40-44 130/83838.46
20/11/2005Pick 'n Pay 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:47:551582/189601484/14757C 134/177M 40-44 238/216733.84
06/11/2005Pick 'n Pay OFM Classic (107km)02:51:00327/2367276/1694A 65/147M 40-44 29/23837.54
03/07/2005Pick 'n Pay Rotary Knysna Cycle Tour (100km)03:35:04494/1910437/1597AA 235/451M 40-44 67/25027.9
02/07/2005Pick 'n Pay Rotary Knysna MTB Challenge (85km)05:08:31380/507341/443CN 192/301M 40-45 104/12916.53
04/06/2005The Kremetart (overall) (175km)06:17:31561/657499/569VB 159/18927.81
04/06/2005The Kremetart Stage 4 (22km)00:49:27469/712392/572VC 75/126VB 131/19626.69
04/06/2005The Kremetart Stage 3 (52km)01:51:56453/710382/572VC 70/123VB 134/20227.87
04/06/2005The Kremetart Stage 2 (48km)01:45:01694/745561/596VB 199/216VB 197/21427.42
100 item(s) of 100 on page: