Results For: Birch, Joshua Michael
7 item(s) of 7 on page:
Event Date:Event Name:Race Time:Position:Gender Position:Start Group:Group Position:Age Group:Age Position:Avg Speed:PhotoCertificate
10/03/20192019 Cape Town Cycle Tour (109km)04:26:048497/231437551/187225B 17/417M U23 244/52924.58C
09/03/2014Cape Argus Pick n Pay Momentum Cycle Tour (109km)03:15:291590/312251483/24541E 135/208M U19 42/51133.46PhotoC
17/11/2013Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge (94.7km)02:39:39886/20798820/15821+ 7/26M U16 10/26335.59Photo
01/09/2013D2D Cycling Race 2013 (93km)03:07:22394/1132346/906+ 3/4M U16 5/729.78
20/07/20132013 Bestmed Jock Cycle Classique, presented by ASG Overall Results (108km)03:27:453/363/27AM 1/21M U16 1/231.19
20/07/20132013 Bestmed Jock Cycle Classique, presented by ASG Stage 3 (63km)01:55:58117/671101/533AS 4/41M U16 4/632.6
20/07/20132013 Bestmed Jock Cycle Classique, presented by ASG Stage 2 (45km)01:31:4783/65175/525AM 1/29M U16 1/229.42
7 item(s) of 7 on page: